The Beatles / 1967 - 1970 (Blue Album)


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Entweder den Titel anklicken, um den Text zu lesen oder das Lautsprechersymbol, um das Lied zu hören

  1. Strawberry Fields Forever 
  2. Penny Lane 
  3. Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 
  4. With A Little Help From My Friends 
  5. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 
  6. A Day in The Life 
  7. All You Need Is Love 
  8. I Am The Walrus 
  9. Hello, Godbye
  10. The Fool On The Hill 
  11. Magical Mistery Tour 
  12. Lady Madonna 
  13. Hey Jude 
  14. Revolution 
Blue Album Cover Disc2:

  1. Bak In The USSR 
  2. While My Guitar Gently Weeps 
  3. Ob-la-di Ob-la-da 
  4. Get Back 
  5. Don't Let Me Down 
  6. The Ballad Of John and Yoko 
  7. Old Brown Shoe 
  8. Here Comes The Sun 
  9. Come Together 
  10. Something
  11. Octopus's Garden 
  12. Let It Be 
  13. Across The Universe 
  14. Thr Long And Winding Road 

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